White ops is a cybersecurity technology company wants to end fraud from online advertising ad. The practice of fraudulently representing ad impressions, clicks and and conversion in a massive problem for online advertisers today. In 2017 the researcher estimated fraud equivalent of $51 million every day.
And the company quickly detect the ad impressions are generated by humans or bots. The Agenda of the company to eliminate the cybercrime on the internet by providing bot protection for ad tech companies. The vice president of Engineering for white ops is Sarah Walker.
White ops need to ensure 10-millisecond latencies to stop the fraud when the event of the attack take place.The Company have not go to that flexibility of that speed .White ops works based on the speed. Ad exhanges need to stop fraud as soon as it’s happening and they are slower than another exchange.
To improve our bot detection solutions on aws, help the customers repond to threats in minutes or hours.
White ops run itas business on Amozon Web Services(AWS). And they use the run MediaGuard and other apllication like Amozon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)C5 instances and uses (Amazon EMR) for processing data.
The benifits of the use of aws is that to get the low latencies for our products. And optimised the EC2 instance type for the better performance. It also store s multiple petabytes of data on Amazon S3.
And here the white ops will get dreams true and here its transactions per day will be 150 billion before using AWS per day transaction is 20 billion.
Application on AWS, they helping ad exchanging fraud before they lose millions in revenue.AWS gives us the flexibility and performance to respond to new threats faster,so we can limit the ad fraud profit window for our customers. And they have think about to doubling the business growth on cloud.